Command & Colors Medieval英語版English version数回使ったけどきれいな状態です。I played it a few times, but in good condition.写真を見てください。Please check the photos.新しく買ったら10000円ぐらいです。Game description:The medieval battles showcased in the scenario book focus on the historical confrontations between the Byzantine Empire and Sassanid Persians (530 to 627 AD) with a slight detour to battle the Moors and their rebel allies (645 - 648 AD). The Byzantine Empire during this period of medieval history was one of constant transition and reorganization. Its army tended to mirror its eastern adversaries by deploying an increasing number of armored cavalry formations (Cataphracts) and more missile troops. Yet, it was how the Byzantines adapted their battlefield tactics in relation to the enemy it faced that is perhaps the chief reason for the longevity of their Empire.#Boardgameボードゲーム#ボードゲームボドゲwargameGMT gamesGMTgames#GMT games#GMTgamesシミュレーションボードゲームウォーゲーム#シミュレーションボードゲーム#ウォーゲーム