Giant MoleculesHere, There, and EverywhereAlexander Yu GrosbergMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyInstitute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of SciencesAlexei R KhokhlovMoscow State UniversityInstitute of Organoelement CompoundRussian Academy of SciencesAcademic PressSan Diego London BostonNew York Sydney Tokyo Toronto内容紹介(Amazon より)This book describes the basic facts, concepts and ideas of polymer physics in simple, yet scientifically accurate, terms. In both scientific and historic contexts, the book shows how the subject of polymers is fascinating, as it is behind most of the wonders of living cell machinery as well as most of the new developments in materials. No mathematics is used in the book beyond modest high school algebra, yet very sophisticated concepts are introduced and explained, ranging from scaling and reptations to protein folding and evolution. This new edition includes an extended1997年発行8469円で購入、未読、中身美品、CD未開封#deneb値段が高い商品#deneb洋書